Keynote Speaker
David B. Miner, MD, is a Family Physician practicing in Salt Lake City, Utah. Dr. Miner is the Medical Director for Maliheh Free Clinic. The Clinic provides free, high-quality medical care to uninsured and impoverished members of the greater community. Maliheh provides comprehensive medical care to an extremely diverse patient population. The Clinic has over 50 volunteer medical providers and over 400 general support volunteers. Maliheh provides community medicine training opportunities for family medicine residents, internal medicine residents, medical students, and physician assistant students.
Dr. Miner joined Maliheh Free Clinic in March 2018. Prior to joining Maliheh, Dr. Miner was employed by Intermountain Healthcare where he practiced comprehensive Family Medicine.
Dr. Miner and his wife, Kerry, have been married for thirty-four years. They are blessed with five children, five grandchildren, and a fabulous dog. Dr. Miner enjoys all sports. He particularly enjoys triathlon, snow skiing, and boating. Dr. Miner’s favorite hobby is reef aquarium keeping.
Dr. Miner believes that the noblest aim in life is to strive to live to make other lives better.